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中华泌尿外科杂志 1999年第3期第20卷 论  著

作者:欧阳时锋 黄循 杨罗艳

单位:欧阳时锋 黄循 杨罗艳(410011 长沙,湖南医科大学附属第二医院泌尿外科)

  关键词: 前列腺肿瘤;癌;去势;雌二醇氮芥

  【摘要】 目的 探讨去势加磷酸雌二醇氮芥治疗不宜手术根治的前列腺癌的疗效。 方法 1990年1月~1996年5月采用去势加磷酸雌二醇氮芥治疗前列腺癌15例,其中B2期5例,C期7例,D期3例。15例均行双侧睾丸切除,术后口服磷酸雌二醇氮芥280mg/次,每日2次。 结果 随访20~79个月,平均47个月。13例取得客观疗效,1例肿块无明显缩小者因排尿困难行耻骨上膀胱造瘘,1例死于非瘤疾病。所有病例血常规化验未见骨髓抑制,10例有乳房胀大。 结论 去势加磷酸雌二醇氮芥治疗前列腺癌效果较满意,易被患者接受。

Conjoint use of castration and estracyte in the

  treatment of advanced prostatic cancer

OUYANG Shifeng, HUANG Xun, YANG Luoyan

  Department of Urology, the Second Affiliated Hospital

  of Hunan Medical University, Changsha 410011

  【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the effects of castration with the conjoint use of chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced prostatic cancer. Methods From Jan 1990 to May 1996, a total of 15 patients with advanced prostatic cancer were treated by bilateral orchiectomy and oral estramustine phosphate 280mg, twice a day. Follow-up included subjective complaint, quality of life, white cell count, DRE, transrectal ultrasound, PSA testing and SPECT. Results The duration of follow-up rang from 20 to 79 months (means 47 months). 13 cases achieved response with shrunk prostate and tumor volume on transrectal ultrasound detection, 3 patients with metastatic cancer in bone relieved of osteocope after 2 weeks treatment; 13 patients have been satisfied with the relieve of dysuria.Only 1 patient underwent cystostomy because of dysuria and another patient died of heart disease after 27 months. Hypermastia was noted in 10 cases. Hematologic toxicity was not observed.There has been no serious side effect requiring ceasing of the treatment. Conclusions The conjoint use of castration and chemotherapy with oral estracyte is safe and effective in the treatment of advanced prostatic cancer.

  【Key words】 Prostatic neoplasms  Carcinoma  Castration  Estramustine




  结  果


  讨  论




  Landstrom等5]将雄激素敏感的Dunning R3327 PAP鼠前列腺癌癌株接种到Fisher鼠,待肿瘤生长到一定大小时予以去势,肿瘤静止一段时间后又继续生长,重新生长的肿瘤失去了对雄激素的敏感性,并具有明显的异质性。如果去势后待肿瘤重新生长时给予17-β雌二醇,则不仅肿瘤生长被抑制,而且能抑制肿瘤的异质性改变,这提示雌氮芥不仅能抑制肿瘤生长,而且能延缓雄激素非依赖性细胞的产生。Robertson等6]也发现己烯雌酚及二磷酸己烯雌酚能阻断癌细胞周期,诱发癌细胞凋亡,甚至对雄激素非依赖性癌细胞作用更为明显。




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(收稿:1998-05-20 修回:1998-11-13)

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