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中国循环杂志 1999年第0期第14卷 摘要 冠心病介入治疗

作者:姚立云 王乐丰 李乃达 陆文豹 张学坤 郭金成 张海滨 刘林宝

单位:北京市,通州区潞河医院 心内科(101149)





Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty with Small C Arm X-Ray Machine with 34 Cases (Abstract)

Department of Cardiology, Luhe Hospital, Beijing (101149)

  Yao Liyun, Wang Lefeng, Li Naida, et al.

  Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and efficiency with small C arm X-ray machine performing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA).

  Methods: Clinical data of 34 cases of coronary artery diseases performing PTCA with small C arm X-ray machine between February 1998 and October 1998 were analysed retrospectively. There were 32 males 2 females with a mean age of 56.3±9.9 years old. Twenty on of them were acute myocardial infarction, 11 unstable angina, 2 stable angina with clinical evidence of myocardial ischemia. Six cases were multivessel disease, 28 cases single vessel disease with 13 tandem lesions, 9 cases bifurcation lesions. Left anterior descending artery and its branches were 24, left circumflex and its branches 7, and right coronary artery 9. Forty were stenotic lesions, 10 occlusive lesions with 2 chronic occlusive lesions. One were type A lesions, 17 (34%) type B lesions, and 32 (64%) tyep C lesions.

  Results: Procedureal success rate was 88.2% (31/34), vessel success rate 87.5% (35/40), lesion success rate 90% (45/50). Stenosis was decreased from preprocedureal (93.3±4.6)% (±s) to postprocedural (3.9±6.7)%. Success rate was 100% (18/18) for type A and B lesions, 84.4% (27/32) for type C lesion. Stent was used in 82.4% (27/32) cases due to suboptimal balloon angioplasty and intimal dissections. Two cases died of cardiogenic shock and ventricular tachycardia after procedures. All patients were well during the follow-up except 2 with multivessel disease who had recurrent angina. Analysis showed that lesion type closely related with success rate, complication, and restenosis.

  Conclusion: The application of small C arm X-ray machine could meet the need for interventional cardiology in county hospital.

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