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中国循环杂志 1999年第0期第14卷 摘要 冠心病介入治疗

作者:秦勤 赵炳让

单位:天津市,天津胸科医院 心内科(300051)




  结论:在PTCA 24小时后应注意防止血小板聚集和血栓形成,术后1周内最好服用预防冠状动脉痉挛药物。

Changes and Significance of Plasma Endothelin and Prostacyclin Level after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease (Abstract)

Department of Cardiology, Tianjin Chest Hospital, Tianjin (300051)

  Qin Qin, Zhao Bingrang.

  Objective: To investigate the action of endothelin (ET) and a metabolite of prostacyclin, 6-keto-F1α after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in coronary constriction.

  Methods: Plasma ET and a metabolite of prostacyclin 6-keto-F1α, levels were tested in 21 cases undergoing coronary angiography and 19 patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

  Results: Plasma ET and 6-keto-F1α levels did not change significantly before and after coronary angiography (p>0.05), however they were significantly increased 24 hours after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) (p<0.05). The levels decreased close to baseline within a week after PTCA (p>0.05). No significant differences in plasma ET and 6-keto-F1α levels between single and multivessel PTCA were observed after the procedure (p>0.05).

  Conclusion: It was essential to protect from platelet aggregation and thrombosis from 24 hours after PTCA and to take prophylactic drugs to avoid coronary spasm in the first week after PTCA.

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