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功名不遂,大狂七年 —Mania after Imperial Examination Failur

中医中药秘方网 www.xxmy.com 发布时间:2016-12-13
鲍, 三十二岁, 十月初二日大狂七年,先因功名不遂而病。
A 32-year-old man had been insane for seven years after he failed the examination. 
He had been diagnosed and treated by hundreds of doctors from his hometown Huizhou, as well as Hangzhou, Suzhou and Hubei Hospitals. Occasionally he was well and normal, but after a while he became insane again. Most of his doctors had chosen treatment methods to tonify rather than reduce.
When I (Wu Jutong, 1757–1841) first saw him, his face was dirty and his hair disheveled, he was in rags and his private parts which appeared totally red were exposed. The doors and windows were destroyed and smashed to pieces and he had removed all their nails. Wherever he went, there was bound to be chaos and mess. His family had to tie his hands and feet to a big millstone with iron chains, not to mention what kind of confusion he was in, and how thin and weak he was. Further inquiry showed that everyday he was eager to see women, and if he was not fulfilled he would fly into a rage,shouting and whining hoarsely in a way that was unbearable to hear. His family had to ask maids and concubines to serve him so that hecould calm down, but the same thing would happen again the next day, and the next.
I felt his pulse and found that all sixpositions were taut, long and powerful which indicated he had an excess and not a vacuity syndrome. So I gave him the bitterest herbs in order to clear heatfrom the heart and small intestine channels. In some cases when the zang organs have problems, we treat their interior-exteriorly related fu organs. According to this theory, I cleared the man's heart heat by purging the stool and urine to clear heat via his small intestine.
龙胆草(三钱)胡黄连(三钱)天门冬(三钱)细生地(三钱)丹皮(三钱)大麦冬(三钱,连心)服二帖而大效,妄语少而举动安静,初三日,见其效也。以为久病体虚,恐过刚则折,用病减者,减其制例。于原方减苦药,加补阴之甘润。初五日,病家来告云:“昨服改方二帖,病势大重,较前之叫哮妄语,加数倍之多,无一刻静,此症想不能治,谅其必死,先生可不诊矣。”余曰:“不然,初用重剂而大效,继用轻剂加补阴而大重,吾知进退矣。” 复诊其脉,弦长而数,于是重用苦药。
Gentian root (9g), coptis rhizome(9g), asparagus tuber (9g), fresh rehmannia (9g),tree peony root coxtex (9g), ophiopogon tuber (9g). After only two days there was a big change – he began to cry and rave much less, and to behave much more quietly, and by the third day the effect ofthe formula was obvious. But I thought that, because of the long course of the disease, he was too weak to bear the harsh properties of the formula. It is said that too much hardness will result in a break, so I reduced the bitter herbs and added some with sweet and rich properties to nourish yin–fluids. On the fifth day the patient's family sent someone, saying that after taking two doses of the new formula yesterday, he suddenly became much worse. He cried and raved much more again and was unable to calm down for even one minute. His family thought that maybe this kind of disease couldn't be cured and he was certain to die, so they asked me not to treat him any more. But I didn't think so. The first formulawas harsh but had been very effective, and when the more gentle yin-nourishing formula was given his condition deteriorated again. It seemed I had initially understood the nature of his symptoms after all. I checked his pulse again,which was still taut, long and rapid, so I increased the content of the bitter herbs.
Gentian root (18g), barbados aloe (18g),asparagus tuber (15g), ophiopogon tuber (15g), coptis rhizome(15g), dendrobium (6g), smoked plum (15g).He took the formula for six days and hiscondition gradually improved. By day eleven he was clear-headed and could communicate with people, and I was able to tell him why he had become ill. Witha narrow view and wrong understanding of beauty and the limits of life, he had absolutely no perspective on the complexity and importance of life (the supreme realm). He had limited himself to his own desires and when he failed, he flew into a rage. It was so fortunate to live in the world, how could he be angry with his circumstances? What's more, one of the most important things in the world is to honor and take care of our parents. Hearing my criticism, he bent his head and said nothing. As the days passed I reduced the bitter herbs of the formula and added some that would nourish the yin. After half a month, the chains were removed, he dressed himself carefully and kneeled to express his gratitude to me. By this time, he was as normal as everyone else. Thereafter he became stronger and stronger by taking Zhuan Xi Da Sheng Paste, * and unexpectedly succeeded in the imperial examination in the following year.
From Wu Jutong’s MedicalRecords, ‘Mania’
Translators: Zhao Shenshen and QuLifang
1. insane [ɪn'seɪn] adj. 疯狂的;精神病的;极愚蠢的
2. disheveled [di'ʃevəld] adj. 不整洁的;凌乱的
3. concubine ['kɒŋkjʊbaɪn] n. 妾;情妇;姘妇
4. gallbladder ['gɔ:lˌblædə] n. 胆囊
5. urine [`juərin]n. 尿;小便;下泉
6. nourish ['nʌrɪʃ] vt. 滋养,施肥于
7. criticism [`krɪtɪsɪzəm] n. 批评,批判
8. purging [pɜ:dʒ]  n. 净化;泻药;vt. 净化;清洗;通便;vi. 净化;通便
9. rave [reɪv] n. 咆哮;胡言乱语;vi. 咆哮;胡言乱语;vt.咆哮;语无伦次地说
*专翕大生膏Zhuān Xī Dà Shēng Gāo/Ingredients of ZhuanXi Da Sheng Paste
人参rén shēn/ginseng root(Ginseng Radix)1000g  
茯苓fú líng/poria (Poria) 1000g
龟板guī bǎn/fesh-waterturtle plastron (Testudinis Plastrum) 500g  
乌骨鸡wū gǔ jī/black-bonechicken (Gallus Domesticus) 1 pair 
鳖甲biē jiǎ/ Chinesesoft-shelled turtle shell (Trionycis Carapacis) 500g  
牡蛎mǔ lì/oystershell (Ostreae Concha) 500g  
鲍鱼bào yú/sea-ear (Abalone)1000g  
海参hǎi shēn/sea cucumber (Stichopus) 1000g  
白芍bái sháo /white peony root (PaeoniaeRadix Alba) 1000g  
五味子wǔwèi zǐ/schisandra fruit (Schisandrae Fructus) 250g  
麦门冬mài mén dōng/ ophiopogon tuber(OphiopogonisRadix) 1000g  
羊腰子yáng yāo zǐ/Sheep Kidney 8 pair  
猪骨髓zhū gǔ suǐ/ porcine bone marrow (Porcine Bone Marrow)500g  
鸡子黄jī zǐhuáng /Chicken Egg Yolk 20g  
阿胶ē jiāo /ass-hide glue (Asini CoriiColla) 1000g  
莲子 lián zǐ/lotus seed (Nelumbinis Semen) 1000g  
芡实qiàn shí/Euryale seeds (Euryales Semen)1500g  
熟地黄shú dì huáng/cooked rehmannia root (Rehmanniae Radix Preparata) 1500g  沙苑蒺藜shā yuàn jí lí/complanate astragalus seed (Astragali Complanati Semen) 500g  
白蜜bái mì/Whitish Honey 500g  
枸杞子gǒu qǐzǐ/lyceum fruit(Lycii Fructus) 500g

