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中国肿瘤生物治疗杂志 2000年第2期第7卷 论著

作者:张智翔 袁爱力 王小宁 张力 周殿元

单位:张智翔 袁爱力 王小宁 张力 周殿元(驻香港部队医院 深圳 518048)


  摘 要 目的: 增强肝癌细胞的免疫原性以激活宿主免疫细胞识别杀伤相应的肝癌细胞。方法: 以脂质体介导小鼠H-2Kb基因转染肝癌细胞株,并检测H-2Kb抗原表达情况,然后用H-2Kb基因转染后的肝癌细胞体外激活效应细胞杀伤活性,再进行裸鼠动物实验。结果: H-2Kb基因转染肝癌细胞株HepG2后,Southern印迹杂交结果显示,H-2Kb基因整合于肿瘤细胞染色体中,RNA点杂交结果显示,H-2KbDNA已转录成mRNA。免疫组化及流式细胞仪检测显示,H-2Kb抗原已在肝癌细胞胞膜上表达。转染后肝癌细胞在体外能强烈诱发效应细胞毒性,这种细胞毒性现象在裸鼠实验中得到进一步验证。结论: 异源MHC-Ⅰ类基因H-2Kb转染肝癌细胞后可增强其免疫原性并激活免疫效应细胞杀伤活性。

  《中国图书资料分类法》分类号 R735.7

The Immological Rejection Activated by Human Heptocarcinoma Transferred with Murine H-2Kb Gene

Zhang Zhixiang Yuan Aili Wang Xiaoning Zhang Li Zhou Dianyuan

  (The PLA Hospital in Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518048)

  Abstract Objective: To strengthen the immunogenicity of hepatocarcinoma cells and activate immnological cells recognizing and killing the tumor cells. Methods: The murine MHC-Ⅰ gene H-2Kb which can express immunologial rejection antigens was transfected into human hepatocarcinoma cells HepG2 by liposome DNA mediated gene transfer. The transfection and transcription of H-2Kb gene were detected by molecular hybridization techniques. The exogeous antigens expressed on the membrane of transfected tumor cells were detected with ABC immunohistochemical method and flow cytometer. [3H] release assays were used to detect the recognizing and killing effects of lymphocytes to HepG2 cells transferred with murine H-2Kb gene. The nude mice experiment was used to further verify CTL cells killing active. Results: Southern blot hybridization showed that the H-2Kb gene was integrated into the chromosome of HepG2 cells. The RNA dot blot hybridization showed that there was transcription of H-2Kb DNA in the transfected tumor cells. ABC immunohistochemical method and flow cytometer detection showed that the murine H-2Kb antigens were expressed on the membrane of HepG2 cells. [3H] release assays showed that the cytotoxicyty to HepG2 cells transfected with H-2Kb gene was obviously higher than that to control cells. The results demonstrated that the growth of hepatocarcinoma cells which were transferred with H-2Kb gene was obviously inhibited. Conclusion: The murine MHC-Ⅰ gene H-2Kb could be transferred into the human hepatocarcinoma cells and expressed on the membrane of transferred cells. The HepG2 cells transferred with H-2Kb gene could induce human effective lymphocytes to recognize and kill these transferred tumor cells.

  Key words

  Key words H-2Kb gene; immunogenicity; hepatocarcinoma; gene transfer


  1 材料与方法

  1.1 脂质体介导H-2Kb基因质粒与PSV2质粒共转染肝癌细胞

  HepG2细胞培养18 h,将H-2Kb基因与脂质体混合液20 μl加入培养细胞液中培养48 h(方法参照GIBCO公司产品说明书)。细胞传代后加入400 μg/mlG-418,实验同时设不加H-2Kb基因对照及单独PSV2转染对照。细胞克隆经H-2Kb斑点杂交筛选。H-2Kb基因重组表达质粒由E*Weiss教授惠赠[1]

  1.2 转染细胞H-2Kb基因存在及表达情况检测

  1.2.1 Southern印迹杂交

  制备Dig-H-2Kb DNA探针,按常规方法杂交(方法参照Mannheim公司产品说明书)。

  1.2.2 RNA点杂交


  1.2.3 ABC免疫组化实验


  1.2.4 流式细胞仪检测

  制备细胞悬液,加入抗H-2Kb抗原单克隆抗体,4℃过夜,洗涤后加入荧光标记羊抗鼠IgG抗体,37℃,40 min。

  1.3 H-2Kb基因转染后体外诱发效应细胞杀伤活性实验

  1.3.1 效应细胞制备


  1.3.2 效应细胞杀伤活性检测

  收获处于对数生长期的H-2Kb转染阳性、PSV2转染阳性及未转染外源基因的HepG2肝癌细胞,各加[3H]-TdR(中国原子能研究所产品)20 μCi。37℃,2 h。同时设最大释放组和自然释放组。测定CPM值,计算特异杀伤率。

  1.4 裸鼠实验

  2~4周龄裸鼠(购自上海医科大学)随机分3组,每组10只,分别为接种H-2Kb转染HepG2肝癌细胞组、PSV2质粒转染HepG2肝癌细胞组和未转染外源基因HepG2肝癌细胞组,待肿瘤生长面积约为300 mm2后,将已制备好的胎儿脾效应细胞每隔4 d分4次注射到3组裸鼠皮下肿瘤内,观察肿瘤生长情况。实验在第一军医大学无菌动物饲养室进行。实验数据用χ±SD表示,用SAS:软件包均数间比较,SNK法。

  2 结 果

  2.1 脂质体介导H-2Kb基因表达质粒与PSV2质粒共转染HepG2肝癌细胞(图1)

  H-2Kb与PSV2质粒共转染HepG2肝癌细胞后经G-418筛选,第14天出现25个细胞克隆,而未转染PSV2者在第5天细胞全部死亡。上述25个细胞克隆DNA经H-2Kb DNA点杂交筛选出4个H-2Kb阳性克隆,显示此4个克隆细胞H-2Kb基因转染成功。

图1 图中显示共转染小鼠H-2Kb基因与PSV2质粒后,


  Fig. 1 Human hepatocarcinoma cell clone HepG2

  cotransfected with H-2Kb gene and PSV2 plasmid

  was selected with G418

  2.2 H-2Kb基因转染后在HepG2肝癌细胞中表达

  2.2.1 H-2Kb基因转染后在HepG2肝癌细胞中转录

  H-2Kb基因转染HepG2肝癌细胞后,筛选的4个细胞克隆RNA与Dig-H-2Kb DNA探针杂交结果阳性,显示H-2Kb基因转染成功后,能在细胞内转录成H-2Kb mRNA。

  2.2.2 H-2Kb基因转染后在HepG2肝癌细胞中表达


图2 ABC免疫组化结果显示小鼠H-2Kb抗原在


  Fig. 2 The results of ABC immunohistochemitry assays showed

  that the H-2Kb antigens could be expressed on the membrane

  of human hepatocarcinoma cells HepG2

图3 流式细胞仪结果显示肝癌细胞小鼠


  Fig. 3 The results of flow cytometry showed that there

  were H-2Kb antigens positive immunologic fluorescence signals

  A: Smaple; B: Contrast

  2.3 H-2Kb基因转染后HepG2肝癌细胞激活胎儿脾效应细胞杀伤活性


表1 H-2Kb基因转染后HepG2细胞体外激活


  Tab. 1 The killing effects of human lymphocytes on HepG2 cells

Cells N The percent specific lysis


HepG2 transferred with H-2Kb 12 82.73±8.91
HepG2 transferred with PSV2 12 27.43±5.70
HepG2 no transferred 12 24.20±7.07

  △ P<0.01

  2.4 裸鼠实验


表2 胎儿脾效应细胞对裸鼠内HepG2细胞杀伤作用

  Tab. 2 The killing activity of human lymphocytes to HepG2 cells in nude mice

   Tumor node N The average area before

  injected with lymphocytes


The average area after

  injected with lymphocytes


The average survival

  days of nude mice

H-2Kb positive 10 310.3±17.7 130.7±39.6 93.2±6.5
PSV2 positive 10 308.4±14.7 290.9±19.7 30.0±5.0
No transferred with foreign gene 10 307.6±19.1 298.7±16.6 28.1±4.1

  △ P<0.01

  3 讨 论



  张智翔,男,37岁,博士,主要从事肝病方面的研究参 考 文 献

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(1999-07-19收稿; 2000-04-17修回)

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