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中华肿瘤杂志 1999年第2期第0卷 临床研究

作者:詹茂程 刘叙仪 李吉友 蒋薇

单位:100036 北京医科大学临床肿瘤学院北京市肿瘤研究所

  关键词: 肺肿瘤;癌,非小细胞肺;多药耐药性;原位杂交

  【摘要】 目的 探索多药耐药相关蛋白(MRP)在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的表达,以及与病理类型、病期及预后的关系。方法 以原位杂交法检测冰冻NSCLC组织。结果 全组58例NSCLC、MRP mRNA总表达率为74.1%,鳞癌为72.0%,腺癌为73.3%。MRP的表达与病理类型、TNM分期及分化程度无关。47例接受化疗的NSCLC中,35例MRP表达(+~++)者生存率明显低于MRP表达(-)者(P<0.05),中位生存期分别为8.7个月和21个月(P<0.05);12例MRP表达(+~++)鳞癌生存率亦明显低于7例MRP表达(-)者(P<0.05),中位生存期分别为6个月和19.5个月(P<0.05)。结论 本研究结果显示,MRP表达水平与肺鳞癌生存期呈负相关。

  Clinical significance of multidrug resistance-associated protein(MRP) gene expression in non-small cell lung cancer  ZHAN Maocheng, LIU Xuyi, LI Jiyou, et al. School of Oncology, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100036

  【Abstract】 Objective To investigate expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) in non-small cell lung cancer and its relation to histological type, TNM staging and prognosis.Methods In situ hybridization was used to examine mRNA expression of MRP.Results The overall positive rate of MRP expression was 74.1%, with 73.3% and 72.0% in adenocarcinoma and squamous-cell carcinoma, respectively. The expression of MRP was not related to histological subtypes, TNM staging and cell differentiation. In 47 patients who received chemotherapy, 35 patients with positive MRP expression(+~++) showed worse prognosis than in those with negative expression (P<0.05). The median survival time was 8.7 months and 21 months in patients with positive and negative MRP expession, respectively. In patients with squamous-cell carcinoma, the survival rate was significantly lower in patients (n=12) with positive MRP expression than in those (n=7) with negative MRP expression (P<0.05). Their median survival time was 6 months and 19.5 months, respectively (P<0.05).Conclusion The expression of MRP gene is negatively correlated with survival of patients with squamous-cell carcinoma, but not adenocarcinoma, who received chemotherapy.

  【Subject words】 Lung neoplasms  Carcinoma, non-small cell lung  Multidrug resistance  In situ hybridization

  多数肺癌在确诊时已失去手术根治机会,需进行以化疗为主的综合治疗,然而非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)对化疗多不敏感,多药耐药是化疗失败的主要原因之一。多药耐药相关蛋白(multidrug resi- stance-associated protein, MRP)是新近克隆成功的耐药蛋白,与肺癌耐药密切相关[1]。但MRP表达与肺癌疗效及预后的关系尚待阐明。为此,我们用原位杂交的方法测定了NSCLC中MRP的表达及其与病理类型、分期和预后的关系。



  2.MRP cDNA原位杂交:MRP cDNA探针由中国医学科学院血液研究所杨纯正教授惠赠。探针长度为1 kb,地高辛标记及检测试剂盒为德国宝灵曼公司产品,探针标记按试剂盒说明书进行,原位杂交参考文献[2]进行。


  4.统计分析:χ2检验分析组间差异,Kaplan-Meier法计算生存率,Log-Rank test比较生存期优势。

  结 果

  1.MRP的表达特征:58例NSCLC MRP总检出率为74.1%,腺癌73.3%,鳞癌72.0%,两者间差异无显著性(χ2=0.761, P>0.05)。MRP表达与TNM分期及鳞癌腺癌分化程度无关(P>0.05)。

  2.MRP表达的预后价值:Log-Rank test示47例接受化疗的NSCLC中,35例MRP表达(+)~(++)者生存率明显低于MRP表达(-)者(χ2=5.311, P<0.05),中位生存期分别为8.7个月和21个月(χ2=4.786, P<0.05);12例MRP表达(+)~(++)鳞癌生存率亦明显低于7例MRP表达(-)者(χ2=4.2553,P<0.05),中位生存期分别为6个月和19.5个月。而MRP的表达与肺腺癌的预后无关(χ2=0.06, P>0.05)。

  讨 论

  肺癌耐药机理复杂,由MDR1编码的P-gp在肺癌耐药中起一定作用,但不能完全解释全部肺癌耐药现象[3]。近来一种新的跨膜转运蛋白——多药耐药相关蛋白MRP被克隆成功[1]。MRP是一分子量为190 000的糖蛋白,与P-gp同属ABC转运超家簇,它不但直接外排药物,而且在胞内隔离药物,使药物不能与靶位点结合,从而间接导致耐药[4]


  Thomas等[2]发现在肿瘤边缘区及靠近血管的部位MRP呈高表达,提示MRP的表达与肿瘤浸润及远处转移有关。本研究也观察到同样现象,但统计分析显示MRP的表达与TNM分期无关。由于文献中只有4例用原位杂交检测肺癌组织MRP mRNA表达的报道,故尚不能比较检出率。本组47例NSCLC中,MRP表达(+)~(++)者预后明显差于MRP表达(-)者。而亚型分析显示,鳞癌MRP表达(+)~(++)者生存期明显低于MRP表达(-)者,但MRP表达与腺癌预后无关。此结果与Ota等[7]的结论相同,提示MRP表达水平与鳞癌生存期呈负相关。



  1 Cole SPS, Bhardwaj G, Gerlach JH, et al. Overexpression of a transporter gene in a multidrug resistant human lung cancer cell line. Science (Wash), 1992, 258: 1650-1654.

  2 Thomas GA, Barrand MA, Stewart S, et al. Expression of the multidrug resistance-associated protein(MRP) gene in human lung tumors and normal tissue as determined by in situ hybridization. Eur J Cancer, 1994, 30A: 1705-1709.

  3 Shin HJC, Lee JS, Hong WK, et al. Study of multidrug resistance (mdr1) gene in non-small-cell lung cancer. Anticancer Res, 1992, 12: 367-370.

  4 Breuninger LM, Paul S, Gaughan K, et al. Expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein in NIH/3T3 cells confers multidrug resistance associated with increased drug efflux and altered intracellular drug distribution. Cancer Res, 1995, 55: 5342-5347.

  5 Giaccone G, Ark-Otte JV, Rubio GJ, et al. MRP is frequently expressed in human lung-cancer cell line, in non-small-cell lung cancer and normal lung. Int J Cancer, 1996, 66: 760-767.

  6 Sugawara I, Yamada H, Nakamura H, et al. Preferential expression of the multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP) in adeno-carcinoma of the lung. Int J Cancer, 1995, 64: 322-325.

  7 Ota E, Abe Y, Oshika Y, et al. Expression of the multidrug resistance-associated protein(MRP) gene in non-small-cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer, 1995, 72: 550-554.

  8 Norris MD, Bordow SB, Marshall GM, et al. Expression of the gene for multidrug resistance-associated protein and outcome in patients with neuroblastoma. N Eng J Med, 1996, 334: 231-238.

(收稿:1998-04-01  修回:1998-06-26)

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