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外科理论与实践 2000年第2期第5卷 论著

作者:燕敏 徐鸿 尹浩然 朱正纲 李树发 薛建元



  摘 要:为试行提高胃癌根治术手术的疗效,阐明胃癌生物学特性与第16组淋巴结转移的关系,从而提出合适的D4式根治术指征,探讨此术式的可行性和意义。方法:对我院自1995年9月至1998年11月所行的56例无远处转移的D4式根治术病例,就反映肿瘤生物学特性的各临床、病理参数进行分析,祈能对D4式根治术提出合适的手术指征。结果:在56例D4式根治术中,发现有第16组淋巴结转移者10例,转移率为17.9%;而于浸润型胃癌、肿瘤直径大于5cm、肿瘤侵及浆膜以及第2、3站淋巴结受累时,第16组LN转移率明显增高(P<0.05);在第16组的各分区LN中又以16A2和B1区的转移率更高。全组无手术死亡率,手术并发症也未见明显增加。结论:进展期胃癌中有相当一部分发生第16组LN转移,且与胃癌各生物学特性参数相关。在正确掌握手术适应证的基础上,D4式胃癌根治术是相对安全可行的,其对胃癌手术的彻底性和远期疗效的意义,有待进一步积累经验。

A Clinico-pathological Study on Para-aortic Lymph Node Metastasis and D4Dissection for Advanced Gastric Cancer

yan Min ,Xu Hong,Yin Haoran(Department of Surgery,Ruijin Hospital,Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai(200025))

  Abstract:(1)to assess the significance of D4dissection in treating patients with advanced gastric cancer(AGC);(2)to elucidate the relationship between the para-aortic lymph node(No.16LN)metastasis and the biological behavior of gastric cancer,and(3)to make out the appropriate indications for D4dissection.Methods:56 cases of AGC without remote metastasis were subjected to D4dissection during the period from September l995 to November 1998 in Ruijin Hospital.Clinico-pathological studies were carried out for all the cases.Results: Ten of the 56 cases were No.16LN positive(17.9%)and the positive rate is significantly increased in cases where the tumor was larger than 5cm in diameter,belonging to the infiltrative type,with serosal involvement and/or N3 positive(P<0.05).The incidence of complications occurring in our D4cases was not noticeably increased and there was no operative mortality.Conclusions: Para-aortic lymph node metastasis do occur in some of the advanced gastric cancer patients.Selective D4procedure appears to be relatively safe and feasible.The impact of D4procedure on the long-term prognosis of AGC remains to be clarified by further studies.

  Keywords:Advanced gastric cancer Para-aortic lymph nodes D4dissection


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